I’m stepping for the community. Virtually linking arms with the family, friends, and caregivers from around the world who understand. It reminds me that we are all not alone. We’re stepping together for our 8p heroes.
8p Parent
At age 4, after many hours of therapy and a spinal surgery, my niece walked for the first time. At almost six, she has learned to get into a standing position without assistance. She is resilient, like her 8p hero friends, who work hard every single day. Their determination is why I will be taking 8,000 steps.
8p Aunt
Attending the 8p conference was a life changer for us. Meeting fellow families felt like we found our extended family. I left the conference better educated and feeling empowered for our 8p hero’s growth. I can’t wait for the 2021 conference and seeing our 8p family again.
8p Mother
It is amazing how you can meet a complete stranger, and yet, connect with them on such a personal level. I left the conference truly inspired by all the wonderful families we had met. I wanted to do more and contribute to this empowering community of individuals.
8p Mother
8p Parent
8p Parent
8p Parent
8p Parent
Founder & CEO
My daughter beams with light and gives hugs to everyone around her, from a stranger to her brother, so long as she senses positivity. Even all of her specialists (over a dozen!) receive a huge embrace with a cheek to-cheek-smile from her. She is smart, and she captivates those around her.
She was born with what appeared to be healthy, except for a rare genetic mutation in the 8th chromosome. Some of her genes are missing, some are duplicated, and some are flipped around. And nobody has a clue as to how this happened.
When we first received the Chromosome 8p diagnosis, we were told, “Good luck, she’s not going to Harvard. You should seek parent counseling.” As you can imagine, there were endless tears that emptied the tissue box on the car ride home. And after. The 1st brochure we received from a genetics counselor came with the caveat that it was 30 years old. This diagnosis was so rare that they couldn’t tell me what her symptoms would be, all they could do was offer a range. The range was so broad, it spanned from minor global delays to wheelchair bound and questionable health. I was utterly scared and confused. All I kept thinking was, “That’s all you can tell me?”
That’s when I learned there was no central database for Chromosome 8p disorders or genetic conditions in this country, never mind the world. Months went by after the diagnosis with no info. Then I started scouring the internet. I found a couple of organizations and some basic databases. I started contacting any families I could find that were impacted by Chromosome 8.
Along the way, we decided to see our daughter for who she is and not what a brochure told us she could be. I have learned to forget about milestones and value the inch stones at her own pace, not mine.
When I hear my child’s voice with a faint “Hhhhi,” a dozen things go through my mind: my heart melts, I wonder how hard that must have been, I imagine neurons in her brain trying to send a message to the facial muscles, misfiring, and eventually her tongue moving and her breath producing that “hhhhiiii.” I am aware that it took 2 minutes for that motor plan, I am upset that it took that long, I am proud of her, I have tears of happiness and sadness. I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be when she has so many ideas to express and cannot, she wants to run alongside friends in the playground and cannot, and she wants to shout that she’s hungry and exhausted after a full day…and cannot.
But she can say hi, even if it took around 5 years and approximately 8,000 hours of all kinds of therapies. Could our journey to “hhhii” help other families? Could all of our collective experiences help each other if we only had a central repository of knowledge?
I am motivated to make sure my daughter can do everything she wants to do. That means coming together to find treatment. To help prevent others from being born with a genetic condition like this. To provide resources and a hand to hold for new families so that nobody needs to start from scratch and navigate the unknown like we did. To find a way to help the 8p heroes continue persevering with their beautiful smiles.
With Project 8p, I want to represent my daughter’s voice and its truth. I am her spokesperson, and one day, she will be the spokesperson for this foundation. I carefully listen to her communication cues, often it’s a wide eyed stare that sees right through my soul. I have full conviction that she is my teacher and has given me a purpose that is beyond our little family. As I say this out loud to her, she claps and reaches her arms out to embrace me.
So you see, I almost need her more than she will ever need me.
I hope when you read this, you can relate somehow. She is my inspiration to find a better, smarter way to respectfully fulfill her dreams.
And there are infinite possibilities.
With Gratitude,
Bina Maniar Shah
Mother, Founder Project 8p
Reading a scientific paper is a completely different process than reading about science in a blog or news article. A single paper may take you a long time to read at first. Be patient with yourself. You may need to read the sections out of order, jot down notes, read it multiple times, skim or even skip certain parts, and pause to look up terms in our glossary. As you gain experience, you will learn what approach works for you.
Not all papers are freely available; you may only be able to see the abstract for some. If you want to read the full text of a restricted paper, Open Access Button is a tool that takes you to a free copy of the research article or helps you ask the author to share the article with you. You can also email the author directly; many are receptive to these requests.
Reading a scientific paper is a completely different process than reading about science in a blog or news article. A single paper may take you a long time to read at first. Be patient with yourself. You may need to read the sections out of order, jot down notes, read it multiple times, skim or even skip certain parts, and pause to look up terms in our glossary. As you gain experience, you will learn what approach works for you.
Not all papers are freely available; you may only be able to see the abstract for some. If you want to read the full text of a restricted paper, Open Access Button is a tool that takes you to a free copy of the research article or helps you ask the author to share the article with you. You can also email the author directly; many are receptive to these requests.
Created the first-ever global patient registry with authentic patient information critical to clinical trials. Presently 550 children have been diagnosed, but it is estimated to be 500,000+ based on incidence rates
Galvanized and inspired a global network of renowned researchers, enlightened doctors and credible medical centers
Designed systems to promoted open science, accelerate knowledge transfer; and incentive collaboration—all core to the organization’s value system
Facilitated international conferences and interactive communication platforms. This has allowed families to share and understand symptoms while measuring changes in their children with scientific researchers and medical clinicians. At the same time, Project 8p has provided them with invaluable coping information
Funded top research investigators focused on the most promising outcomes and breakthrough treatments; and
Launched modeling of standards for treating 8p (largely unknown about by physicians and healthcare providers) by way of funding a Neurogenetic Multidisciplinary Clinic at Children’s Hospital of Colorado to serve as the model center of excellence
Gained attention of industry partners to follow the 8p agenda while making the case that new gene and other-related treatments have universal implications beyond immediate return-on-investments and short-term gains
Project 8p Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization with EIN 83-2545342. All contributions are deemed tax-deductible